Cubic Stylization Authoring Tool
May 2022
Description: A Maya plugin for stylized 3D surface deformation. Our authoring tool takes an input mush and deforms it to exhibit cube-like geometry while preserving surface detail. We also extended the implementation to include other non-cubic shapes such tetrahedrons, octahedrons, etc. Here’s a short video of our tool in action:
Teammates: Nick Moon
- Cubic Stylization, Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu and Alec Jacobson, SIGGRAPH Asia 2019
- Normal Driven Spherical Shape Analogies, Hsueh-Ti Derek Liu and Alec Jacobson, Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2021
- Basic cubification of shapes through minimization of ARAP energy
- Extension to other polyhedral target shapes (tetrahedron, octahedron, etc.)
- Per-vertex deformation factors
- Per-axis deformation factors
- Local or global deformation options
- Can upload gauss map to constrain deformation to certain area of shape
- “Reduction percentage” to reduce the number of polygons in a mesh before deformation (optimization)